Friday, October 24, 2008



Colours have a big influence on people. You might not realise it, but colours can affect your appetite, mood and energy levels. Advertisers, marketers and designers spend a lot of time and money devising new palettes to appeal.

COLOURlovers is an online resource where you can find inspiration and talk openly about your love of colours with like-minded people.

Whether you are designing your website, considering re-decorating your home, or are a professional in need of a little inspiration - there are literally hundreds of colour palettes and patterns for you to view and download.

The trends tab at the top of the site is interesting, as it picks up on current trends in magazine and website design, which could help you keep up to date and have your design work looking 100% in style.

And if you are the creative type you can even add your own colours and palettes to the database.

Will It Blend?

Will It Blend?

I have no idea what inspired the makers of Will It Blend? But one thing I do know for sure is that you should definitely not try this at home.

The basis of this website is will stuff blend? By that, we mean what will happen if you put something in a blender and hit the on button. We are not talking oranges and whipped cream here - we know they blend - but how about a Rubik's cube, a sports ball or even an iPhone?

Crazy but true, these guys have blended them all and I watched the videos with nail-biting suspense. I particularly like the glow sticks blend for a bit of in-the-dark drama.

There is actually a Try This at Home section too for safe blends, like making chicken soup and grinding your own coffee beans. It is a bizarre collection of videos that I find strangely appealing. Amazing what you can find on the internet.

At you can find out about amnesty international's campaign to ensure that the world wide web remains a bastion of free speech and expression.

The website states that the internet is a new frontier in the struggle for human rights. It claims governments, with the help of some of the biggest IT companies in the world, are cracking down online freedom.

You can read all about their claims and see how to take action yourself on this clean and simple website.

It is up to you to make up your mind about what you read, and if you choose to sign up and pledge your support, you will be joining more than 80,000 others.

Reading Test

Reading Test

Have you heard about the theory that the brain can make sense of a passage of text with the letters all jumbled up? This works as long as the first and last letters are in place.

On this website you can read the classic bit of text that describes the theory. You have probably seen it as a viral, as I think this one did the rounds a year or so ago.

Well, now some clever spark has created an engine where you can test out the theory on any site you like. Just plug the URL in the box provided and see how it works.