Saturday, May 29, 2010

Sugarsync is a cloud storage service which syncs your documents to any web-connected computer or smartphone.
You can share files with invited collaborators - the software is certainly much easier to set up than a home network.

Sugarsync has the benefit of an incremental changes feature which means any tweaks made will not require the whole file to be uploaded again.

This free app changes the size of the keyboard buttons on a touchscreen handset depending on what you are typing. is an Android app, and the nearest found for the iPhone is
It lets you write in broad sweeps across the virtual keyboard instead of little taps - predictive programming assesses the word you are trying to write by the movement of your finger.


Fun app iType2go enables iPhone users to see what's ahead through the camera while typing on the virtual keyboard.But I certainly would not recommend composing an e-mail as you walk along the high street.